Mind-Blowing Reduced ACOS From 48% to 13% in a Week

Background: The beauty brand was facing challenges in reducing its ACOS and its monthly revenue had stagnated at $15,000.


Limited keyword targeting:
The brand was targeting A few keywords in its campaigns despite they have a large potential audience.
Variations management:
The brand had three product variations that were not grouped under a single-parent ASIN.
High competitor reviews:
Competitors had higher review counts, affecting the brand's credibility and uniqueness.
Underutilized campaigns:
The brand was not using PPC to it its full potential. They are not running sponsored displays and sponsored brand ads.

Plan Of Action

Keyword expansion
We have conducted thorough keyword research, and segregate them based on their search volume, relevancy, and length. And run ads on these keywords to increase visibility and reach a wider audience.

Variation consolidation
We merged all the variations under one parent ASIN to enhance cross-selling opportunities.

Boost review count
One of the reasons for merging variations was to increase the number of reviews, thereby improving the brand’s credibility.

Utilize sponsored brand & display ads
We optimized the effectiveness of our sponsored brand campaigns by adopting a targeted strategy. This involved concentrating on high-intent, long-tail shop keywords in Sponsored Brands Video, and browsing keywords in Sponsored Brands Video with the use of phrase & broad modifier. Additionally, we employed display ads to target and retarget customers who showed an interest in our product or were searching for related products or categories.

The Outcomes We Achieved

Cultivate cross-selling opportunities:

By carefully designing advertising campaigns aimed at the most authoritative products, we were able to create cross-selling opportunities that kept potential customers engaged and boosted sales for all variations. This strategic approach ensured that customers remained loyal and helped to drive overall revenue growth.

Increased revenue: Revenue to 19k$ per week from stagnant 15K$ a month

Reduced ACoS: ACoS reduced to 13% from 48% in a week

PPC sales increased: Sales increased $5k per month PPC Sales to $7k per week

The outcomes indicate that we have been successful in tackling the obstacles faced by the beauty brand and achieving growth for the brand, all while reducing advertising expenses.



What Our Clients Say

Words by

We are thrilled to share some delightful video feedback received from a valued client. Their words of praise have truly brightened our day and serve as a testament to our commitment and hard work. The client expressed their immense satisfaction with our exceptional service, highlighting our professionalism, attention to detail, and dedication to meeting their needs. These kind words not only affirm the quality of our work but also inspire us to continue delivering excellence.





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