A story of a newly launched pet brand in a competitive niche

Background: Newly launch Pet brand struggled to stand out from the competition and lower the Ad spend


Tough competition
The pet category had well-established and dominant competitors, making it challenging for us to gain visibility and market share.
Limited product variations
Our client was selling only one color variation of their product, while competitors offered multiple color options, giving them a competitive edge.
Poor Conversion Rate
The brand struggled with low conversion rates, indicating a need to optimize its campaigns, product detail page and improve the overall customer experience.
Unstructured campaigns
The brand’s campaigns were poorly structured, with all ad types running in a single campaign. Additionally, there was a lack of negative targeting, leading to inefficient ad spend.

Plan Of Action

Revamp the product title
We conducted detailed research on the client’s product and identified its unique problem-solving aspects. We strategically incorporated these elements into the product title to enhance its appeal and differentiation.

Campaign restructuring
We restructured the existing campaigns to improve targeting and efficiency. We paused the ad groups that were not performing well, paused irrelevant, non-converting & high spending keywords, and optimized ad placements to ensure the ads reached the most relevant audience.

ACoS controlled campaigns
We launched some low-hanging fruit campaigns to control the ACoS and increase profitability.

Search term optimization
We focused on identifying valuable search terms that yield high conversions while advertising costs are low, and targeted in exact campaigns. We actively filtered out irrelevant or costly search terms, and train algorithm to prioritize searches that closely align with potential buyers. We aimed to target the most relevant audience, ensuring maximum returns on investment and organic rank.

Testing different strategies
We tested different strategies to get more out of PPC with its full potential.

The Outcomes We Achieved

Top-performing Search Terms
By consistently monitoring and refining the SEO approach to prioritize search terms that drive the highest traffic and conversions, a significant boost in the listing’s conversion rate (CVR) and sales was achieved.

Increased profitability
By optimizing the campaigns and reducing unnecessary spending, we helped our client achieve higher profitability.

Improved ROAS
Within a month, we witnessed a significant improvement in ROAS, from 2 to 11, indicating a substantial increase in revenue generated from advertising investments.

Reduced ACOS
The ACOS, which was initially at 38%, was reduced to an impressive 8% within a month, indicating a significant improvement in cost efficiency and advertising effectiveness.

Enhanced conversion rate
By implementing targeted campaigns, optimizing ad placements, and refining the overall advertising strategy, we successfully improved the client’s conversion rates, leading to more sales and higher revenue generation.



What Our Clients Say

Words by

We are thrilled to share some delightful video feedback received from a valued client. Their words of praise have truly brightened our day and serve as a testament to our commitment and hard work. The client expressed their immense satisfaction with our exceptional service, highlighting our professionalism, attention to detail, and dedication to meeting their needs. These kind words not only affirm the quality of our work but also inspire us to continue delivering excellence.





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